ARCHIWUM Magazynu B&B - zakończył działalność w 2018

Debata na temat przedsiębiorczości w Europie

Debata na temat przedsiębiorczości w Europie – Parlament Europejski, sala PHS 4B001; 29 marca, 2012r. , godz. 14.30-16.00; Debata będzie również transmitowana w Internecie na portalu

Jean Monnet, przedsiębiorca i jeden z założycieli Wspólnoty Europejskiej powiedział: „Wszyscy są ambitni, pytaniem jest czy chcesz tylko być ambitny czy robić coś ambitnego”. Ambicja tak samo jak przedsiębiorczość są kluczowe w znalezieniu rozwiązania w trudnej kryzysowej rzeczywistości.

Podczas dyskusji na temat kryzysu finansowego, przedsiębiorczość staje się słowem kluczem jeśli chodzi o znajdowanie rozwiązań. Potrzebujemy mniej cięć budżetowych, a więcej inwestycji mogących przyczynić się do wzrostu ekonomicznego. Przedsiębiorcy mogą odegrać główną rolę w odbudowywaniu gospodarki europejskiej po recesji.

Wszystkich zainteresowanych poznaniem europejskich przedsiębiorców i dyskusją na temat przedsiębiorczości zapraszam na debatę 29 marca 2012 w Parlamencie Europejskim, której będę gospodarzem. Wszyscy uczestnicy będą mieli możliwość podzielenia się swoimi poglądami i doświadczeniami związanymi z przedsiębiorczością – program przewiduje możliwość trzy-minutowych wystąpień dla obecnych.

Debata będzie również transmitowana w Internecie na portalu



I would like to personally invite you, and the members of the Committee of the Regions working on entrepreneurship, to a very important debate in the European Parliament on Entrepreneurship …….let me explain why.

Jean Monnet , the founder of the European Union, was an Entrepreneur!

He had an idea and he turned it into an action…’s now our responsibility to create more entrepreneurs and to build on Jean Monnet’s idea to create a strong European Union with growth and prosperity for all.

We need to stop talking about austerity and challenges and we need to start talking about opportunities, solutions and concrete proposals!

And that’s what we intend to do.

29th March, European Parliament – 2.30 – 4.00pm

Live debate – No agenda – No panel of speakers – we want to listen to YOU !

We are looking for concrete proposals how to better promote entrepreneurship across Europe. The debate will also be web-streamed on across the EU and beyond. Each participant will get 3 minutes maximum.

We have 130 places in the room – so please let us know if you will be attending or sending someone from your organisation as passes are required, and we have to restrict numbers. or


The Commission, the Parliament, The Council of Europe, The Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee, civil society stakeholders and of course real entrepreneurs have all been invited.

Why are we doing this?

On the background of the financial crisis in Europe, austerity became the key word in finding way out of the crisis. Only recently were talks of austerity complemented by talks on investment.

Recognizing the role of entrepreneurs in channelling such investment for economic recovery, a group of dedicated entrepreneurs decided to create the Entrepreneur Envoy Portal.

This web portal unites, supports and recognizes entrepreneurialism in all its forms. This portal recognizes entrepreneurship in all its guises and will break away from the pre-defined stereotypes. Its driven by the idea that entrepreneurship must be looked at from a broader perspective than the traditional viewpoint of individuals creating and developing businesses for economic purposes and profit.

Inventiveness, creativity and innovation at group, enterprise or society level does not come down to the simple sum of the entrepreneurship mind-set of the individuals they consist of. Therefore the levels of development of entrepreneurship should be differentiated.

Through the promotion of entrepreneurship the goal is to bring 7 billion ideas to fruition by working individually or collectively so that solutions can be found socially, environmentally and economically for as many on the planet as possible.

I hope you could join us on this occasion to share your view and meet and listen to other European entrepreneurs.

This is a personal invitation from me, and if you have received the same from others please forgive us, but there is a real commitment of support to promote this initiative.

I would of course be very happy to meet with you and explain more about the portal as we believe the Committee of the Regions is key to the success of regional entrepreneurship and growth.

Kind regards,

Ms Madi Sharma

Business&Beauty Magazyn